
How Ten Counting Frames Works

The standard way to use Ten Counting Frames is horizontally as shown in the illustration on the right. Students should always fill the top row first, starting with the beads on the right side.

The picture at right shows the Ten Counting Frame equal to zero. Note all the beads are on the right side.

When the top row is full, counters can be placed on the bottom row, also from right to left.

This will produce the "standard way" to show numbers on the ten-­frame.

5 + 2 = 7

This picture shows seven on the Ten Counting Frame, five on top and two on the bottom.

When using Ten Counting Frames vertically always start with all the beads at the top.

The picture at right shows the Ten Counting Frame equal to eight. Five beads on the bottom of the right side and three on the bottom on the right side.

This orientation also allows for explorations of doubles like 2 + 2 or multiplication facts like 2 x 2, 3 x 3 , etc.